Clean Up. Each Spring remove limbs and debris along the road fronting your property. This will improve water drainage and clean up the road right-of-way which will facilitate mowing later this year.
Weekenders. Please remember several of our landowners live here full time and it can be stressful if too many cars from visiting friends and family clog up the streets on the weekends. In addition, late night parties can be tough on your neighbors, so try and keep the fun alive inside your home! Big Bend does have "Quiet Hours" from 10 PM - 8 AM Weekdays and 10 PM - 9 AM Weekends. Please. Enjoy the Peace and Quiet.
Barking Dogs. Please be respectful of your Big Bend fellow homeowners, and contain your animals within your property. Also check out the Barking Dog article to gain more insight on ways to solve this problem.
1. When is my bill due and payable?
The bill is due upon reception by mail. A $10.00 late fee is added to the balance due for each month it is outstanding. Sixty days from the date on the statement/invoice the bill is considered in default and you will be subject to shut off of water services.
2. What can I do about barking dogs?
If contacting the owner is unsuccessful, and the barking persists unabated for 15 minutes, contact law enforcement, 911 (non emergency).
3. Are my guests allowed to park recreational vehicles at either community park overnight?
No. Vehicles left over night will be subject to tow at the owner's expense.
4. How can I pay my bill?
All payments should be sent to Big Bend Landowners, POB 1593, Monroe, WA, 98272, in the form of check or USPS money order available at any US Post Office. No cash accepted by the board or its agent. Remember to allow for mailing time to avoid late fees. Plan Ahead!
5. Who do I call for trees or debris from the right of way on my property?
Please call the BBLA message line @360-793-7852 or email bigbendtalk@gmail.com.
6. How do I get parking passes for my guests?
Please call the BBLA message line @ 360-793-7852 or bigbendtalk@gmail.com.
7. What restrictions or regulations are there for Big Bend community?
A copy of the Rules and Regulations is available by calling the BBLA message line @ 360-793-7852 or download a PDF here:
8. Who do I contact with complaints or suggestions or questions?
Please call the BBLA message line @360-793-7852 or email bigbendtalk@gmail.com.
9. What are the rules regarding Outdoor Burning?
Outdoor burning in Big Bend requires a free permit from Fire District # 26. The permits are free and can be obtained from Station #54 on SR # 2, just west of the Reiter Road exit from SR 2. The burn permit has information related to the size of the fire and conditions residents must follow in burning slash and other authorized materials. Call Snohomish County Fire District # 26 at 360-793-1335 with additional questions.
Big Bend also has regulations regarding outside burning in its Rules and Regulations. Both the Fire District and Big Bend regulations must be followed for burning authorized materials in Big Bend. If a burn ban is in effect, no burning is allowed. Fines start at $150 and double each offense thereafter. They will be levied by Big Bend for failure to comply with its rules and regulations.
10. Are Fireworks Allowed?
No. In order to protect Big Bend from fires and to control the use of fireworks, fireworks are banned completely in Big Bend year around. A fine of $150 per occurrence will be levied on those ignoring the fireworks ban.
11. Does Big Bend have a Snow Removal policy?
The timing and extent of snow removal on Big Bend roads is a policy decision reserved to the Big Bend Board of Directors. Snow removal equipment will be brought in only when absolutely necessary as the Big Bend Road Fund is not budgeted to handle snow removal. The main entrance from Highway #2 to the first parking area will be the top priority. Single lane roads with turnouts will be plowed for the rest of the Big Bend community. Property owners will be responsible for clearing their own driveways in order to access the plowed roadways.