
Some news items are only available to LOA Members.  Please sign in to your owner's website account to view the full page. 
07/13/2024, 5:00 PM.  Preliminary repairs completed. Resume normal water use. Pumps working back on the electrical grid. 
07/12/2024, 02:30 PM. Pumps continue to run off of the generator. Work to correct electrical issues at the site continue.  Possible intermittent shutoffs throughout the day and night.   Essential water use only at this time.  Please do not water lawns, fill pools, etc. 
07/11/2024, 10:30 AM. Pumps continue to run off of the generator. Work to correct electrical issues at the site continue.  Possible intermittent shutoffs throughout the day.   Essential water use only at this time.  Please do not water lawns, fill pools, etc. 
07/10/2024, 7:30 AM Pumps continue to run off of the generator. Possible intermittent shutoffs throughout the day.   Essential water use only at this time.  Please do not water lawns, fill pools, etc. 
07/09/2024, 8:00 PM. Repair work has concluded for the day. Pumps continue to run on the diesel generator. Watering plants, etc. is okay at this time. 
07/09/2024, 4:40 PM, It is possible there is an issue in the PUD power service at the site.  Prepare for intermittent shutoffs this afternoon for repairs.   Essential water use only at this time.  Please do not water lawns, fill pools, etc. 
07/09/2024, 9:30 AM, Electrician has investigated. PUD needs to run further troubleshooting.  Well pumps continue to run on the generator without issue. 
07/08/2024, 9:45 PM, Electrician has investigated. PUD needs to run further troubleshooting.  Well pumps continue to run on the generator without issue. 
07/08/2024, 5:00 PM, Possible intermittent outages. Repairs continue. Pumps are running well under generator power. 
07/08/2024, 3:46 PM. Repairs continue. Pumps are running well under generator power. 
07/08/2024, 12:21.  Further repairs will be enacted throughout the day.  Pressure may fluctuate but no outage is planned. 
7/8/2024, 11:00 AM. Water pressure restored.
7/8/2024, 10:18 AM. Our Water System Operator continues to work through trouble shooting the cause of our current low water pressure.
7/8/2024, 9:35 AM. Our Water System Operator is assessing the cause of our current low water pressure.
7/8/2024, 6:32 AM. Water pressure restored
7/8/2024, 6:25 AM.  Our Water System Operator is assessing the cause of our current low water pressure.
7/8/2024, 6:00 AM.  Our Water System Operator is enroute to assess the cause of our current low water pressure.

Fire Danger - BURN BAN

Burn Level - BURN BAN
BURN BAN – Outdoor fires of any kind are prohibited. 
As protection for our homes and property in Big Bend, please comply with our Fire Warden or a member of our Board of Directors should they ask you to control or put out a fire.  
Residents must follow our Fire Sign at the entrance which informs you of the current fire danger status in Big Bend.
Burning violation of any kind in Big Bend will result in the following, as written in page 10 of the Big Bend Rules & Regulations:
A fine of $150 will be assessed for any violation of the Big Bend Fire Regulations.  Violators will be notified of the violation by a letter from the Landowners Association.  In the event a further violation occurs within 12 months of the imposition of the fine for the first violation, the fine for each subsequent violation will double per occurrence. (I.E., $150, $300. $600) and cap at $1,200 with no reset.  

Short-term Rental Owners, Landlords, and properties with guests – Please make sure this information has been shared and posted appropriately for guests on your properties, as the fine is assessed to the property owner.
If you need to report fires within the Big Bend Community, please:
1.      Attempt to get a photo if safe and possible.
2.      Note the property location/address/owners/violators as much as possible.
3.      Note any witnesses.
4.      Note the date, time, and description of the violation.
5.      To make a complaint, contact the Big Bend Fire Wardens; Brenda DeSuler 425-314-0699 or Chris DeSuler 206-348-7928, or call the Big Bend Messaging line, via phone/text at 360-793-7852 or email bigbendtalk@gmail.com. Make sure you provide your name, lot#/address, and phone number.
Thanks for helping to keep our community safe!

Rules Reminder: Damage to Community Areas

By Community Vote at 07/16/2022 Annual Meeting, property owners, family members, guests or tenants that damage community areas will be assessed for the cost of repairing the damages, in writing by the Board of Directors, as well as and additional violation fine of $100 for the first offense, and $250 for each additional offense in a twelve-month period.  
By Community Vote at 07/16/2022 Annual Meeting, property owners, family members, guests or tenants that damage community property such as, but not limited to; signs, buildings, equipment, etc., will be assessed for the cost of repairing the damages, in writing by the Board of Directors, as well as an additional violation fine of $100 for the first offense, and $250 for each additional offense in a twelve-month period.  

Rules Reminder: Unlicensed Vehicles

Unlicensed vehicles include, but are not limited to the following:
Two-wheeled, three-wheeled or four-wheeled motorized vehicles, snowmobiles,  etc., that are not licensed to be driven on the State highways or roads of Washington State and equipment owned by the Big Bend Landowners Association used exclusively for repair work and maintenance of Association property.
The driver of a vehicle must have a valid drivers’ license to operate said vehicle.  Any and all unlicensed vehicles shall have an identification of Lot number on front and back of vehicle, not less than 6”x 6” in size.  Drivers of any and all unlicensed vehicles must obey all regulatory speed limit signs.  
Speeding will result in a letter of warning for first time offenders.  Repeat offenders will be assessed a fine of $100 for the next offense, and a $250 fine for each additional offense within a 12-month period, and when collected will be deposited in the Road Reserves Fund.

Community Disclosure

Please login to view this area.

Community Calendar

Please login to view this area.

Wellhead Protection Committee

Cadman Quarry Tour and Q&A Session 5/10/23
Scheduled and hosted by Cadman
Please see the forwarded email regarding the quarry expansion at the quarry across the road.  Big Bend is a stakeholder in the current permit for the quarry, and our Wellhead Protection Committee works to ensure they're in compliance with the protections provided to Big Bend in that permit.  

The quarry is seeking to expand in size and function which will require a new permit process to be completed.  They are hosting a tour (starts @ 5:00 PM) and Q&A session (starts at 6:20 PM) on May 10. RSVP deadline in May 9.  Anyone is welcome to attend and ask questions.  If you are available, please consider attending.  Our Wellhead Protection Committee will continue to speak for the best interests of Big Bend, but the more information every resident has, the more voices there will be to speak up when it comes time for the permit hearing.

If you have questions please email bigbendtalk@gmail.com or call 360-793-7852.

Heather Walton
Admin. Asst. 
Big Bend
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Outreach
Date: Wed, Apr 26, 2023 at 1:16 PM
Subject: Updates and Invitation to May 10 Site Tour
To: Outreach
Hello Gold Bar Community Members,
I am reaching out with a few updates and an invitation to join a site tour on May 10.
Veda Environmental was acquired as of January 1 and is now officially Triangle Associates, Inc. My role has not changed, but I have a new email address, mdelrosario@triangleassociates.com
As of January 2023, Lehigh Hanson and the majority of their affiliated North American brands, including Cadman, transitioned to unify under one brand: Heidelberg Materials. We will be updating the website to reflect this change, but for now, you can still visit cadmangoldbar.com for updates.
Heidelberg Materials is hosting a second site tour to view the Gold Bar facility on 44716 U.S. Rte 2. Many of you joined our last site tour in 2022, and we welcome you to join us again.
We will tour the current Gold Bar facility to discuss the proposed expansion and respond to any questions. There is an option to only join the Q&A if you would like to skip the tour. Please RSVP by sending the names of the people in your party that will be attending the site tour and/or the Q&A to outreach@triangleassociates.com. You may also call Melanie at 360-583-3412. The deadline for RSVPs is May 9.  
May 10, 5:00pm – 7:00pm*
*The site tour will run from approximately 5pm to 6:20pm. If you would only like to join the Q&A, please meet at the site at 6:20pm.
44716 State Route 2, Gold Bar, WA 98251
Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions.
The Heidelberg Materials Gold Bar Project Team 
04/17/2023 Message from Kevin Fetter with the BOD:
    The Board and the wellhead committee which includes myself and Ed Flinchem, have been monitoring the proposed expansion of Cadman. 
    They have revised the timeline for submission for the permit several times. It appears they are planning now to submit in the summer of 2023 and the hearing in the fall of 2023. 
    I was privileged to hear a lot about the original permit process from several community members over the last 17 years of owning my property here in Big Bend. Many of our owners here may not know that during Cadman’s permitting process in 2004, our community was instrumental in a good portion of the over 50 conditions that are listed in the permit. Also, because of the testimony and hard work by the Big Bend Community, we are listed as one of the stake holders on the permit. That was quite the accomplishment. 
    The wellhead committee had also met with Cadman in the summer of 2022 and expressed concerns about several conditions that we feel they are violating on an ongoing basis. Some of which are: the uncovered loads, mud/rock on the Hwy, starting operations before the 7am allowed work time. 
    I have documented many of these violations and hope to use them at the hearing for the expansion.
    There is a website by a person not in Big Bend that I will attach, that shows nicely what is being planned for the expansion.
    Feel free to message me with any violations that you are aware of or concerns about the Cadman Expansion Project. 
Cadman has announced their intention to pursue adding a hard-rock quarry in addition to the existing quarry across from Big Bend on Highway 2.  The link to Cadman's informational site is here: cadmangoldbar.com
The Board always appreciates your ideas and comments.  Feel free to leave a message on the Big Bend messaging line at 360-793-7852 or better yet, send an email to: bigbendtalk@gmail.com.

Online Accounts & Payments

Property Owners and Tenants can both register for online accounts. 
Even if you don't own the property you're occupying in Big Bend, you can still register for an online account that will give you access to Members Only areas, such as the Member Message Board and Classifieds. 
A tenant membership will not grant access to any payment capability or confidential lot/owner information.
The payment portal can only receive payments, it will not show any current invoice or amounts due. Invoices are sent out only via the Postal Service.
The surcharge associated with the online payment portal is not credited to Big Bend. It is the cost charged by the third party payment processor.

Info. to Know

3/2024 - The 2023 Consumer Confidence Report is now available in the "Documents" tab.  Click here to go to that page.  You may request a printed copy at bigbendtalk@gmail.com or 360-793-7852. 
5/2023 Water Assessment Documentation
You must first log in to your Big Bend website portal as a member, before you will be able to view any documents aside from the CIP Engineering Report.
4/1/2023 - Infrastructure Assessment Enactment Letter
4/1/2023 - Right-of-Way Letter
10/30/2021 - Water System and Roads Infrastructure Community Vote Minutes
Agreement & Covenant (located under the Rules & Regulations section)
07/07/2021 - Infrastructure Capital Improvement Plan (CIP)
Payments for the infrastructure Assessment can be made online through the "Payments" portal at the top of the page, or mailed to POB 1593, Monroe, WA, 98251.
Please email bigbendtalk@gmail.com or call the messaging line at 360-793-7852 if you have questions. 
Flood Hazard Maps:
Hazard maps are published for the Skykomish River by FEMA.  Flood hazard zones are proposed to be changed for many properties in Big Bend.  These changes, when adopted, will affect flood insurance costs and where Snohomish County development regulations apply on affected properties.  Snohomish County has several good links here: https://www.snohomishcountywa.gov/faq.aspx?qid=774
You can access an updated FEMA map online at: https://msc.fema.gov/portal/home.
All work performed on the waterlines of Big Bend (road side of the meter) or the meter itself must be conducted in compliance with the current Uniform Plumbing Code, through Big Bend. If you have proposed work for the meter or from the main to the meter contact the Big Bend Landowners Association.  Homeowners may conduct their own work on the meter side of the service connection as long as they do not alter the connection at the meter itself. Down the PDF for further information.

Rules & Regulations

Here's the most recent copy of Rules & Regulations. 
No monetary transactions are conducted at Board Member's homes. All payments must be made online through the "Payments" tab at the top of the page, or mailed to PO Box 1593, in Monroe.  Remember to allow for increased mailing time. A late fee will be charged for any late payments.